01207 588 625 | info@specsure.co.uk

Wax Removal

Microsuction Wax Removal

The natural wax our ears produce forms a defensive layer in the ear canal, protecting against dust, dirt, and bacteria.

The body produces this wax of its own accord, but too much can muffle your hearing. Our Audiologist uses a gentle microsuction technique developed by ear, nose, and throat specialists (ENTs) to remove wax and debris. The procedure is quick, easy, and safe. Typically, both ears can be treated within 30 minutes.

Occasionally, some people may need a second appointment. Once wax free, your hearing should improve.

Wax Removal appointment
If no wax is found there will be a £30 charge for the Hearing Health Check
Hearing Health Check

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Eye/Hearing Test & Consultations