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Audiology Services

What kind of appointment do I need?

A hearing health check is ideal for those who feel they are experiencing very little difficulty with their hearing, do not currently wear hearing aids and simply want to know their hearing levels.

A full hearing assessment is for those who are experiencing notable hearing difficulties (or have been told by a loved one they are), and/or wear hearing aids already and want further improvement.

What to expect

Full hearing assessment

Your Audiologist will discuss your hearing history to understand what has influenced your hearing and to get more information about your personal needs. In addition to this, a hearing exam will be conducted. The appointment may also include a listening experience with hearing devices, if appropriate. After your Audiologist has interpreted the results, he will explain them to your clearly, and discuss with you the next steps.

Hearing Health Check

Your Audiologist will check the health of your ears, conduct a basic test to see how well your hearing and provide appropriate advice.

Next steps

Your Audiologist will check the health of your ears, conduct a basic test to see how well your hearing and provide appropriate advice.

Have someone with you

Most people find it helpful to have a spouse, family member of friend with them for the appointment. Your Audiologist will also benefit learning about your hearing abilities from someone close to you.

Book Your Appointment

Eye/Hearing Test & Consultations